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Goldoni | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1707-1793) Italian dramatist. He wrote popular comedies for the Sant’Angelo theater, which drew on the traditions of the commedia dell’arte, Il servitore di due padroni/The Servant of Two Masters 1743, Il bugiardo/The Liar 1750, and La locandiera/Mine Hostess 1753. He wrote popular comedies for the Sant’Angelo theater, which drew on the traditions of the commedia dell’arte, Il servitore di due padroni/The Servant of Two Masters 1743, Il bugiardo/The Liar 1750, and La locandiera/Mine Hostess 1753. In 1761 he moved to Paris, where he directed the Italian theater and wrote more plays, including L’Eventail/The Fan 1763.

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Carlo, Venedig 25.2.1707, +Paris 6.2.1793, italien. Dramatiker. G. ging 1762 nach Paris, leitete dort (1762/1764) das italien. Theater und schrieb Komdien überwiegend in frz. Sprache. G. ersetzte unter Einfluß von Molière die 'Commedia dell'arte' durch eine italien. Rokokokomödie mit realist. Charakteren und volkstüml. Handlung; u.a. 'Das Kaffeehaus' (1743), 'Der Diener zweier Herren' (1753), 'Die vier Grobiane' (1760), 'Die Verliebten' (1789). + prikaži više

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