Foch prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

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(1851-1929) Marshal of France during World War I. He was largely responsible for the Allied victory at the first battle of the Marne Sept 1914, and commanded on the NW front Oct 1914–Sept 1916. He was appointed commander in chief of the Allied armies in the spring of 1918, and launched the Allied counter-offensive in July that brought about the negotiation of an armistice to end the war.
Following his success at the Marne, he was made assistant commander of the French Forces of the North, taking full command Jan 1915. He commanded the French right wing during the battle of the Somme 1916 and later that year was side-lined into various administrative and consultative posts. His retirement was more due to political infighting than his age and he was recalled by Pétain to serve as Chief of the General Staff 1917 to co-ordinate Allied support for Italy following the defeat at Caporetto. He went on to co-ordinate Anglo-French forces in France, and became the Allied commander in chief April 1918. He launched the Allied counter-offensive of July 1918 that brought about the negotiation of an armistice to end the war, and was elected Marshal of France 6 Aug.

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Ferdinand, Tarbes 2.10.1851, +Paris 20.3.1929, frz. Marschall; Armeeführer im Ersten Weltkrieg, 1917 Generalstabschef. 1918 übernahm F. den Oberbefehl über die alliierten Streitkräfte; in dieser Position führte er im Juli 1918 die entscheidende Offensive gegen die dt. Truppen und übergab am 11.11.1918 im Wald von Compiègne der dt. Delegation die Waffenstillstandsbedingungen. + prikaži više

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