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Country comprising 844 islands and islets in the SW Pacific Ocean, about 100 of which are inhabited.
The 1990 constitution provides for a parliamentary system of government with a two-chamber legislature, consisting of an elected 70-member House of Representatives and an appointed 34-member Senate. The president, who is head of state, is appointed by a hereditary Great Council of Chiefs for a five-year term. The president, in turn, appoints a prime minister (who must be an indigenous Fijian) as head of government, based on support in the House of Representatives. The House and the Senate both have a maximum life of five years.
The ethnic composition of both chambers is preserved in that indigenous Fijians have 37 guaranteed seats in the House of Representatives and 24 (appointed by the Great Council of Chiefs) in the Senate; citizens of Indian descent have 27 guaranteed seats in the House; other races have five guaranteed seats in the House; and the island of Rotuma has one guaranteed seat in each chamber. Nine seats in the Senate are filled at the discreti
on of the president, who must have particular regard for minority communities. The complicated arrangement seeks to preserve elements of the Westminster-style parliamentary system which preceded the 1990 constitution, while ensuring that all ethnic communities are properly represented. There is a provision in the constitution which prevents the military from taking control.
Originally inhabited by Melanesian and Polynesian peoples, Fiji's first European visitor was Abel Tasman 1643. Fiji became a British possession 1874 and achieved full independence within the Commonwealth 1970. Before independence there had been racial tension between Indians, descended from workers brought from India in the late 19th century, and Fijians, so the constitution incorporated an electoral system that would ensure racial balance in the House of Representatives.
ethnic divisions
Traditionally the Fijians support the Alliance Party, led by Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. The Indians support the National Federation Party, led by Siddiq Koya. The main divisions between the two have centered on land ownership, with the Fijians owning more than 80% of the land and defending their traditional rights, and the Indians demanding greater security of land tenure. The Fijian Labour Party was formed 1985.
The general election April 1987 resulted in an Indian-dominated coalition, led by Dr Timoci Bavadra. An attempted coup May 1987, led by Col Sitiveni Rabuka, was abandoned after intervention by the governor-general and the Great Council of Chiefs. After a second successful coup Sept–Oct 1987, also led by Rabuka, Queen Elizabeth II of Britain accepted the resignation of the governor-general, thereby relinquishing her role as head of state and making Fiji a republic. A new constitution was introduced 1990. Following the first elections under the new constitution May 1992, Sitiveni Rabuka, who had relinquished his army post, was appointed prime minister. President Ganilau died Dec 1993 and was succeeded by Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Rabuka and the FPP were reelected 1994.
An independent state within the British Commonwealth located on the Fiji Islands.

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Fiji · Republic of Fiji
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Republik im südwestl. Pazifik auf ca. 320 Inseln (rd. 100 bewohnt), 18 272 km², 730 000 Einw., Hauptstadt Suva auf Viti Levu, Amtssprache Englisch, Verkehrssprache außerdem Hindi. Die zur Hälfte ind. Bevölkerung (sonst melanes. Fidschianer) von F. lebt von Landwirtschaft (Zucker, Bananen, Maniok, Reis, Jams u.a.), Fischerei und Fremdenverkehr, der nach dem Umsturz von 1987 und dem Ausschluß aus dem Brit. Commonwealth zurückgegangen ist. Die F.-Inseln wurde 1643 von Tasman entdeckt und 1874 brit. Kolonie, in die ein Zustrom ind. Zuckerarbeiter einsetzte, was zu Konflikten mit der einheim. Bevölkerung führte. 1966 erhielt F. die Selbstverwaltung und 1970 die volle Unabhängigkeit. + prikaži više

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