David prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

David | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1748-1825) French Neo-Classical painter. He was an active supporter of, and unofficial painter to, the republic during the French Revolution, and was imprisoned 1794–95. In his Death of Marat 1793 (Musées Royaux, Brussels), he turned political murder into Classical tragedy. Later he devoted himself to the newly created Empire in paintings such as the vast, pompous Coronation of Napoleon 1805–07 (Louvre, Paris).
David won the Prix de Rome 1774 and studied in Rome 1776–80. Back in Paris, his strongly Classical themes and polished style soon earned him success; an important picture from this period is The Oath of the Horatii 1784 (Louvre, Paris). During the Revolution he was elected to the Convention, became a member of the Committee of Public Safety, and narrowly escaped the guillotine. He was later appointed court painter to the emperor Napoleon, for whom he created such grand images as Napoleon Crossing the Alps 1800 (Louvre, Paris). After Napoleon’s fall, David was banished by the Bourbons and settled in Brussels. Among his finest works are The Rape of Sabine Women 1799 (Louvre, Paris) and Mme Récamier 1800 (Louvre, Paris).

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Jacques Louis, 1748, 1825, frz. Maler; Begr. der frz. klassizist. Malerei.

David | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(c. 1450-1523) Netherlandish painter. He was active chiefly in Bruges from about 1484. His style follows that of Rogier van der Weyden, but he was also influenced by the taste in Antwerp for Italianate ornament. The Marriage at Cana about 1503 (Louvre, Paris) is an example of his work.
Born in Holland at a village near Gouda, he arrived in
Bruges 1482, married, 1501, Cornelia Cnoop, daughter of the dean of the Goldsmiths’ Guild and a miniaturist, and apart from a short stay at Antwerp, c. 1515, when he was admitted to the Painters’ Guild, spent his working life in that decaying but still wealthy city. Tranquil and highly detailed, his art takes elements from van Eyck, van der Weyden and Memlinc, late works also suggesting the influence of Quinten Massys. Famous paintings are the panels ordered by the magistrates of Bruges for the Hall of Justice depicting the arrest and punishment of the corrupt judge, Sisamnes (Bruges, Musée Communal), and the Baptism of Christ, also at Bruges. Some miniatures are attributed to him.

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Gerard, um 1455/60, 1523, ndl. Maler; nach H. Memlings Tod Hauptmeister der Brügger Malerschule.

David | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1914-1992) British cooking writer. Her Mediterranean Food 1950 and French Country Cooking 1951 helped to spark an interest in foreign cuisine in Britain, and also inspired a growing school of informed, highly literate writing on food and wine.

David | englesko - nemački rečnik


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Or Dewi (lived 5th-6th century) Patron saint of Wales, Christian abbot and bishop. According to legend he was the son of a prince of Dyfed and uncle of King Arthur; he was responsible for the adoption of the leek as the national emblem of Wales, but his own emblem is a dove. Feast day 1 March.

David | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1810-1876) French composer. His symphonic fantasy The Desert 1844 was inspired by travels in Palestine. He was one of the first Western composers to introduce oriental scales and melodies into his music.

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