Commodus prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Commodus | englesko - nemački rečnik


muški rodlično ime

(AD 161-192) Roman emperor from 180, son of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. He was a tyrant, spending lavishly on gladiatorial combats, confiscating the property of the wealthy, persecuting the Senate, and renaming Rome “Colonia Commodiana”. There were many attempts against his life, and he was finally strangled at the instigation of his mistress and advisers, who had discovered themselves on the emperor’s death list.

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muški rodlično ime

Marcus Aurelius Gaius Antonius, bei Lanuvium 31.8.161, +ebd. 1.1.193 (ermordet), röm. Kaiser, Sohn Marc Aurels. C. war seit 177 Mitregent und seit 180 Alleinherrscher. Seinem despot. Willkürregime, geprägt von zunehmendem Cäsarenwahn, machte eine Senatsverschwörung ein Ende.

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