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Brandt | englesko - nemački rečnik


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Adopted name of Karl Herbert Frahm (1913-1992) German socialist politician, federal chancellor (premier) of West Germany 1969–74. He played a key role in the remolding of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) as a moderate socialist force (leader 1964–87). As mayor of West Berlin 1957–66, Brandt became internationally known during the Berlin Wall crisis 1961. Nobel Peace Prize 1971.
In the “gr
and coalition” 1966–69, Brandt served as foreign minister and introduced Ostpolitik, a policy of reconciliation between East and West Europe, which was continued when he became federal chancellor 1969 and culminated in the 1972 signing of the Basic Treaty with East Germany. He chaired the Brandt Commission on Third World problems 1977–83 and was a member of the European Parliament 1979–83.
Brandt, born in Lübeck, changed his name when he fled to Norway 1933 and became active in the anti-Nazi resistance. He returned to Germany 1945 and entered the Bundestag (federal parliament) 1949. He resigned from the chancellorship 1974 following the discovery that an aide had been an East German spy. Brandt continued to wield considerable influence in the SPD, in particular over the party's left wing.

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Willy, früher Herbert Karl Frahm, Lübeck 18.12.1913, +Unkel am Rhein 8.10.1992, dt. Politiker. Seit 1930 SPD-Mitglied und seit 1931 in der sozialist. Jugendbewegung, emigrierte B. 1933 und kehrt 1947 nach Deutschland zurück. 1957 wurde er Regierender Bürgermeister von W-Berlin, 1961 Kanzlerkandidat und 1964 Bundesvorsitzender der SPD (bis 1987), 1966 Außeminister der Großen und 1969 Kanzler der sozialliberalen Koalition. In seiner Amtszeit bis 1974 setzte er ostpolit. Akzente durch die Gewaltverzichtsverträge mit Polen und der UdSSR sowie den Grundlagenvertrag mit der DDR. 1971 Friedensnobelpreis. + prikaži više

Brandt | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1905-1983) English photographer. During the 1930s he made a series of social records contrasting the lives of the rich and the poor, some of which were presented in his book The English at Home 1936. During World War II he documented conditions in London in the Blitz. The strong contrasts in his black-and-white prints often produced a gloomy and threatening atmosphere. His outstanding creative work was his treatment of the nude, published in Perspective of Nudes and Shadows of Light, both 1966.

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Brandt | englesko - nemački rečnik



Town in South Dakota (USA); zip code 57218.

Brandt · Willy Brandt

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