token prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

token | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. token, taken, as. tâcen.
1. A metal or plastic disk that can be used (as a substitute for coins) in slot machines.
2. An individual instance of a type of symbol; SYN. item.

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srpski · nemački


muški rod

1. Pièce de métal, d'ivoire, etc., plate et ordinairement ronde, dont on se servait autrefois pour calculer des sommes, et dont on se sert encore pour marquer et payer au jeu.
2. (Familier) Coup. Prendre un jeton dans la figure.


muški rod

1. Signe.
2. Emblème.
3. Attribut.
4. Représentation.

token | englesko - francuski rečnik



1. A unique structured data object or message that circulates continuously among the nodes of a token ring and describes the current state of the network. Before any node can send a message, it must first wait to control the token. See also token bus network, token passing, token ring network.
2. Any nonreducible textual element in data that is being parsed—for example, the use in a program of a variable name, a reserved word, or an operator. Storing tokens as short codes shortens program files and speeds execution. See also Basic, parse.

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srpski · nemački

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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