territory prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

territory | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Latin territorium, from terra the earth: cf. French territoire. Related to Terrace.
1. A territorial possession controlled by a ruling state; SYN. dominion, territorial dominion, province, mandate, colony.
2. An area of knowledge or interes
In animal behavior, a fixed area from which an animal or group of animals excludes other members of the same species. Animals may hold territories for many different reasons; for example, to provide a constant food supply, to monopolize potential mates, or to ensure access to refuges or nest sites.
The size of a territory depends in part on its function: some nesting and mating territories may be only a few square meters, whereas feeding territories may be as large as hundreds of square kilometers.

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muški rod

1. Sol. Un terrain calcaire.
2. Parcelle. Un terrain ŕ bâtir.
3. Espace. Un terrain de sport.
4. Milieu. Un terrain favorable ŕ la maladie.
5. Au contact des gens. Un homme de terrain.

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muški rod


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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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imenica, gramatika
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