sepal prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

sepal | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM New Lat. sepalum, formed in imitation of New Lat. petalum, petal, to denote one of the divisions of the calyx: cf. French sépale.
One of the green parts that form the calyx of a flower.
of the calyx of a flower.
Portion of calyx. Part of a flower, usually green, that surrounds and protects the flower in bud. The sepals are derived from modified leaves, and are collectively known as the calyx.
In some plants, such as the marsh marigold Caltha palustris, where true petals are absent, the sepals are brightly colored and petal-like, taking over the role of attracting insect pollinators to the flower.

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muški rod

(Botanique) Pièce du calice d'une fleur.

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