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A Finnish steam bath; steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks; SYN. sweat room.
Bath causing perspiration by means of dry heat. It consists of a small room in which the temperature is raised to about 90şC/2
00şF. The bather typically stays in it for only a few minutes and then follows it with a cold shower or swim. Saunas are popular in health clubs and sports centers.
The sauna derives from a Finnish dry-heat bath in which small quantities of steam can be produced by throwing cold water over hot stones; this is traditionally followed by a beating of the skin with birch twigs to stimulate the circulation, and a plunge into a lake or snow outdoors.

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sweat room
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srpski · nemački


muški rod

1. Petite pièce, généralement lambrissée, dans laquelle on dispense une forte chaleur et un taux élevé d'humidité pour provoquer des sueurs.
2. Le traitement lui-même. Prendre un sauna.
3. L'établissement qui abrite l'installation. Aller au sauna.

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