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Japanese beverage from fermented rice usually served hot; SYN. saki.
Japanese wine made from rice. It is usually served heated but may also be drunk at room temperature. There are both dry and sweet types. Sake contains 1
4%-18% alcohol.
The starch in the rice is converted to glucose by enzymes produced by a mold of the genus Aspergillus, and then fermented. Two-thirds of Japanese sake is made with the same strain of rice; variations in taste and quality depend on the water and on how highly polished the rice is. Sake is aged for up to a year, traditionally in cedar barrels but oak is also used. Mirin is a sweet spirit derived from sake and used chiefly in cooking.

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Boisson alcoolisée japonaise.

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ETYM Old Eng. sake cause, also, lawsuit, fault, as. sacu strife, a cause or suit at law.
1. A reason for wanting something done; SYN. interest.
2. The purpose of achieving or obtaining.

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