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1. The rate at which the heart beats; SYN. heart rate.
2. The rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; SYN. pulsation, heartbeat, beat.
Impulse transmitted by the heartbeat throug
hout the arterial systems of vertebrates. When the heart muscle contracts, it forces blood into the aorta (the chief artery). Because the arteries are elastic, the sudden rise of pressure causes a throb or sudden swelling through them. The actual flow of the blood is about 60 cm/2 ft a second in humans. The average adult pulse rate is generally about 70 per minute. The pulse can be felt where an artery is near the surface, for example in the wrist or the neck.

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muški rod

Battement des artères selon le rythme cardiaque qui se fait sentir en plusieurs endroits du corps et particulièrement vers le poignet. Prendre le pouls.

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1. To drive by or as if by pulsation
2. To produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses; or cause an apparatus to produce pulses:; SYN. pulsate.

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A transient signal, usually brief and with a discrete onset and offset.

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In music, a basic unit of rhythm and meter. See beat.

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Edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants.
Crop such as peas and beans. Pulses are grown primarily for their seeds, which provide a concentrated source of vegetable protein, and make a vital contribution to human diets in poor countries where me
at is scarce, and among vegetarians. Soy beans are the major temperate protein crop in the West; most are used for oil production or for animal feed. In Asia, most are processed into soy milk and beancurd. Peanuts dominate pulse production in the tropical world and are generally consumed as human food.
Pulses play a useful role in crop rotation as they help to raise soil nitrogen levels as well as acting as break crops. In the mid-1980s, world production was about 50 million metric tons a year.

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