patina prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

patina | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Italian, from Latin patina a dish, a pan, a kind of cake. Related to Paten.
A fine layer of oxide on the surface of a metal; SYN. verdigris.
Film or surface that forms on surface of me
tal or wood.
Film formed on exposed metals, etc., especially green film on copper or bronze; any such sign of mellowing or old age.
Effect produced on bronze by oxidation, which turns the surface green, and by extension any lacquering or finishing technique, other than gilding, applied to bronze objects. Patina can also mean the surface texture of old furniture, silver, and antique objects.

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ženski rod

Couche d'oxyde qui apparaît sur les pièces et objets en bronze, trace de vieillissement qui apparaît sur les objets en ivoire, les meubles en bois, etc. et leur enlève un peu d'éclat. J'apprécie un vieux meuble qui a une belle patine.

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