nomad prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

nomad | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Latin nomas, -adis, pasturing, roaming without fixed home.
Person whose way of life involves movement from place to place. Nomads fall into two main groups: herders (see nomadic pastoralism and hunter-gatherers; peoples who move from place to place s
elling their skills or trading are also nomads; for example, the Romany people.
Both hunter-gatherers and pastoralists are threatened by enclosure of land and by habitat degradation and destruction, as well as by the social and economic pressures of a money economy. Remaining examples of hunter-gatherers are the Australian Aborigines, many Amazon Indian peoples, and the Kung and San of the Kalahari Desert in S Africa.
A member of a people how have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons.

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