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ETYM French noise noisy strife, quarrel, brawl, from Latin nausea seasickness, sickness, disgust. Related to Nausea.
1. Electrical or acoustic activity that can d
isturb communication; SYN. interference, disturbance.
2. Sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound).
3. The auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience; SYN. dissonance, racket.
An unwanted electrical interference on the signal wires.

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muški rod

1. Son. Le bruit de la rue.
2. Rumeur. Les bruits qui courent.
3. Perturbation. Le bruit sur le signal d'une transmission.


muški rod

1. Bruit. Entendre un son.
2. Sonorité. Un son aigu.
3. Volume. Diminuer le son.

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1. Any interference that affects the operation of a device.
2. Unwanted electrical signals, produced either naturally or by the circuitry, that distort or degrade the quality or performance of a communications channel. See also distortion.
Unwanted sound. Permanent, incurable loss of hearing can be caused by prolonged exposure to high noise levels (above 85 decibels). Over 55 decibels on a daily outdoor basis is regarded as an unacceptable level.
In scientific and engineering terms, a noise is any form of random, unpredictable signal.
Noise is a recognized form of pollution, but
is difficult to actually measure, because the annoyance or discomfort caused varies between individuals. If the noise is in a narrow frequency band, temporary hearing loss can occur even though the level is below 85 decibels or exposure is only for short periods. Lower levels of noise are an irritant, but seem not to increase fatigue or affect efficiency to any great extent. Loss of hearing is a common complaint of people working on factory production lines or in the construction and road industry. Minor psychiatric disease, stress-related ailments including high blood pressure, and disturbed sleep patterns are regularly linked to noise, although the causal links are in most cases hard to establish. Loud noise is a major pollutant in towns and cities. electronic noise takes the form of unwanted signals generated in electronic circuits and in recording processes by stray electrical or magnetic fields, or by temperature variations. In electronic recording and communi
Cation systems, “white noise” frequently appears in the form of high frequencies, or hiss. The main advantages of digital systems are their relative freedom from such noise and their ability to recover and improve noise-affected signals.

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In pop music, a style that relies heavily on feedback, distortion, and dissonance. A loose term that came into use in the 1980s with the slogan “noise annoys”, it has been applied to hardcore punk, grunge, and industrial music, among others.

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1. To talk much or loudly
2. To make a noise
3. To spread by rumor or report — usually used with about or abroad

make noise · resound
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