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monkey | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Cf. OIt. monicchio, Italian monnino, dim. of monna an ape, also dame, mistress, contr. from madonna. Related to Madonna.
Any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians).
Any of the various smaller, mainly tree-dwelling anthropoid primates, excluding humans and the apes. The 125 species live in Africa, Asia, and tropical Central and South America. Monkeys eat mainly leaves and fruit
, and also small animals. Several species are endangered due to loss of forest habitat, for example the woolly spider monkey and black saki of the Amazonian forest.
Old World monkeys, family Cercopithecidae, of tropical Africa and Asia are distinguished by their close-set nostrils and differentiated thumbs, some also having cheek pouches and rumps with bare patches (callosities) of hardened skin. They include baboons, langurs, macaques, and guenons.
New World monkeys of Central and South America are characterized by wide-set nostrils, and some have highly sensitive prehensile tails. They include two families.
(1) the family Cebidae, which includes the larger species saki, capuchin, squirrel, howler, and spider monkeys.
(2) the family Callithricidae, which includes the small marmosets and tamarins.

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muški rodživotinja

1. Primate anthropoďde qui amuse les enfants par ses grimaces et ses imitations.
2. (Populaire) Patron. Mon singe ne veut pas m'augmenter.
3. Enfant turbulent. Arrête, petit singe !
4. Celui qui imite les autres.
5. Singe désigne l'espèce ou le mâle, la femelle est la guenon.

anthropoïde · bouffon · bourgeois · chef · clown · comique · comédien · conserve · corned-beef · crapoussin · directeur · employeur · gorille · guenon · gugusse · imitateur · jocko · jocrisse · laideron · macaque · magot · maître · monstre · mâle · négrier · paillasse · patron · pitre · primate · quadrumane · rigolo · simien · treuil · viande · zig · zigomar · zigoto + prikaži više
monkey | englesko - francuski rečnik


imenicasleng, dijalekt

1. A person resembling a monkey
2. A ludicrous figure; dupe
3. Any of various machines, implements, or vessels; especially; the falling weight of a pile driver
4. A desperate desire for or addiction to drugs — often used in the phrase monkey on one's back; broadly; a persistent or annoying encumbrance or problem

imp · rapscallion · rascal · scalawag · scallywag · scamp + prikaži više
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1. Mimic, mock
2. To act in a grotesque or mischievous manner
3. Fool, trifle — often used with around; tamper — usually used with with

fiddle · mess around · monkey around · muck about · muck aroun · potter · putter · tamper · tinker + prikaži više
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