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ETYM French, slender, thin, minute. Related to Minute.
1. A list of dishes available at a restaurant; SYN. bill of fare, card, carte du jour, carte.
2. The dishes making up a meal.
3. An agenda of things to do; SYN. fare.
SYN. computer menu.

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1. Plan.
2. Atlas. Carte murale.
3. Lettre.
4. Billet. Carte d'invitation.
5. Document. Carte d'identité.
6. Liste.
7. Choix. Carte de restaurant.
8. Atout. Jouer sa carte.

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(Computer science) A list of options available to a computer user; A list of options from which a user can make a selection in order to perform a desired action, such as choosing a command or applying a particular format to part of a document. Many application programs, especially those that offer a graphical interface, use menus as a means of providing the user with an easily learned, easy-to-use alternative to memorizing program commands and their appropriate usage.
In computing, a list of options, displayed on screen, from which the user may make a choice—for example, the choice of services offered to the customer by a bank cash dispenser: withdrawal, deposit, balance, or statement. Menus are used extensively in graphical user interface (GUI) systems, where the menu options are often selected using a pointing device called a mouse.

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