iron prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

iron | englesko - francuski rečnik


imenicasleng, dijalekt

Great strength, hardness, or determination.

Fe · atomic number 26 · branding iron · smoothing iron


muški rodsleng, dijalekt
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muški rodsleng, dijalekt
calibre · feu · flingot · fusil · pistolet · pétard + prikaži više
iron | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. iren, AS. îren, îsen, îsern; akin to Dutch ijzer, OS. îsarn, Old High Germ. îsarn, îsan, German eisen, Icel. îsarn, jârn, Swed. and Dan. jern, and perh. to Eng. ice; cf. Irish iarann, W. haiarn, Armor. houarn.
1. A heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood; SYN. Fe, atomic number 26.
2. Metal shackles; for hands or legs; SYN. irons, chain, chains.
3. A golfclub that has a relatively narrow metal head.
4. A rod used
to brand live stock; SYN. branding iron.
A hard, malleable and ductile, silver-gray metallic element, symbol Fe (from Latin ferrum), atomic number 26, atomic weight 55.847. It is the fourth-most abundant element (the second-most abundant metal after aluminum) in the Earth’s crust. The central core of the Earth, the radius of which is believed to be 2,200 miles, is held to consist principally of iron with some nickel. When the amounts in the crust and core are combined, iron is probably the most abundant constituent element of the planet.
Although it almost always occurs in ores or as compounds, it sometimes occurs as a free metal (native metal), occasionally as fragments of iron or iron-nickel meteorites. Iron is the most common and most useful of all metals; it is strongly magnetic and is noted for becoming oxidized (rusted) in moist air. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the molecule in the red blood cells, where it serves to transport oxygen to all parts of the body. Iron is the basis for steel, an alloy with carbon and other elements. Iron has been worked into tools by early peoples in both the Old World and the New and its use has persisted since the Iron Age of prehistory.

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srpski · nemački

élément chimique

muški rod026 Fe


muški rodhemija

Métal dur et malléable (symbole chimique Fe, numéro atomique 26), d'un gris clair et brillant, et qui, uni ŕ un peu de charbon, donne l'acier et la fonte.

acier · arcelet · bronze · couteau · crampon · ferrement · limaille · métal · poignard · pointe · épée + prikaži više
iron | englesko - francuski rečnik



1. Of, relating to, or made of iron
2. Resembling iron
3. Strong and healthy; robust
4. Inflexible, unrelenting
5. Holding or binding fast

cast-iron · robust
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srpski · nemački



1. Belliqueux. Paroles martiales.
2. Résolu. Allure martiale.

belliqueux · courageux · guerrier · militaire · mâle · viril + prikaži više
iron | englesko - francuski rečnik



A household device usually with a flat metal base that is heated to smooth, finish, or press (as cloth).
Flat metal base is heated and used to smooth cloth; SYN. smoothing iron.

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srpski · nemački

fer ŕ repasser

muški rod
iron | englesko - francuski rečnik



To press and smooth with a heated iron; SYN. iron out.

iron out · press
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srpski · nemački



1. (Intrans.) Revenir. Repasser dans un lieu.
2. Défriper. Repasser une chemise.
3. Affűter. Repasser une lame.
4. (Familier) Refiler. Repasser un tuyau.
5. Relire.
6. Répéter. Repasser une leçon.

affiler · affûter · aiguiser · apprendre · bûcher · contrepasser · défriper · défroisser · déplisser · examiner · flamber · lisser · mettre en forme · potasser · rapporter · rectifier · redonner · refiler · relire · remettre · remâcher · remémorer · repenser · ressasser · retourner · retracer · retraverser · revenir · revivre · revoir · ruminer · récoler · répéter · rétrocéder · réviser · se l'accrocher · se remettre en mémoire · se remémorer · se retracer · tromper · voler · vérifier · émorfiler · émoudre · étudier · évoquer + prikaži više

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