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hypostasis | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Latin, from Greek, subsistence, substance; hypo under + histasthai to stand. Related to Hypo-, and Stand.
1. (Metaphysics) Essential nature or underlying reality.
2. Any of the three persons of the Godhead consti
tuting the Trinity especially the person of Christ in which divine and human natures are united.
3. The accumulation of blood in an organ.
4. The suppression of a gene by the effect of an unrelated gene; SYN. epistasis.
5. Basis; foundation; essence.
Support; hypostatised substance; essential substance; Medicine, sediment; hyperemia of an organ; Theology, substance of the Trinity; person of the Trinity; whole personality of Christ.

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(Religion) Chacune des trois personnes divines du christianisme.

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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