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ETYM From Joseph Henry, an American physicist.
A unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second; SYN. h.
The unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second.
Unit of electrical inductance.

Unit of electrical inductance: inductance of circuit in which one volt is induced by current varying at one ampere per second.
Si unit (symbol h) of inductance (the reaction of an electric current against the magnetic field that surrounds it). One henry is the inductance of a circuit that produces an opposing voltage of one volt when the current changes at one ampere per second.
It is named for the us physicist Joseph Henry.
The unit of inductance. A current changing at a rate of one ampere per second will generate one volt across an inductance of one henry. In practice, a henry is a very large unit; inductances measured in millihenries (mH = 10–3 h), microhenries H = 10–6 h), or nanohenries (nH = 10–9 h) are more commonly encountered. Abbreviated h. See also inductance.

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(Électricité) Unité d'inductance.

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(1857-1943) Australian journalist and women's suffragist. Her first articles appeared in 1884, and over the following two decades she covered a variety of social causes, including women's hospitals and care of the disabled. She was a pioneer of women's labor-union movements in Australia and later settled in the US, where she became a powerful speaker and key figure in the National Women's Labor Union League of America.

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Pen name of William Sydney Porter (1862-1910)
US short-story writer. His collections include Cabbages and Kings 1904 and The Four Million 1906. His stories are written in a colloquial style and employ skilled construction with surprise endings.

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(1774-1836) English chemist and physician. In 1803 he formulated Henry’s law, which states that when a gas is dissolved in a liquid at a given temperature, the mass that dissolves is in direct proportion to the pressure of the gas.
Henry was born in Manchester and graduated from Edinburgh. In poor health after a childhood accident, he worked mainly for his father, an industrial chemist.
Henry w
orked for about 20 years on the analysis of inflammable mixtures of gases and attempted to find correlations between chemical composition and illuminative properties. He established that firedamp—the cause of many mining disasters—is methane, and confirmed the composition of methane and ethane. Like English chemist John Dalton, Henry showed that hydrogen and carbon combine in definite proportions to form a limited number of compounds.
In medicine, Henry studied contagious diseases. He believed that these were spread by chemicals which could be rendered harmless by heating; he used heat to disinfect clothing during an outbreak of cholera in 1831.
A series of chemistry lectures which he gave 1798–99 were later published as Elements of Experimental Chemistry and became a highly successful textbook.

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(1736-1799) US politician who in 1775 supported the arming of the Virginia militia against the British by a speech ending, “Give me liberty or give me death!” He was governor of Virginia 1776–79 and 1784–86.
Henry assisted in the creation of the Continental Congress, of which he was a member. He opposed ratification of the US Constitution on the grounds that it jeopardized states' rights. His influence, however, helped to ensure the passage of ten amendments to it, constituting the Bill of Rights.

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(1797-1878) US physicist, inventor of the electromagnetic motor 1829 and of a telegraphic apparatus. He also discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction, roughly at the same time as Michael Faraday, and the phenomenon of self-induction. The unit of inductance, the henry, is named for him.
Born in Albany, New
York, Henry studied at Albany Academy, where he became professor 1826, moving 1832 to New Jersey College (later Princeton). He was the Smithsonian Institution's first director, from 1846.
By 1830, he had made powerful electromagnets by using many turns of fine insulated wire wound on iron cores. In that year he anticipated Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction (although Faraday published first). In 1835 he developed the relay (later to be much used in electric telegraphy).
In astronomy, Henry studied sunspots and solar radiation, and his meteorological studies at the Smithsonian led to the founding of the US Weather Bureau.

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(Charles Albert David) known as Harry (1984-) Prince of the UK; second child of the Prince and Princess of Wales.

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1. (1791-1878) American physicist who studied electromagnetic phenomena; Also called: Joseph Henry.
2. City in Illinois (USA); zip code 61537.
3. Town in South Dakota (USA); zip code 57243.
4. Town in Tennessee (USA); zip code 38231.
5. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 69349.

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