halftone prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

halftone | englesko - francuski rečnik



1. A print obtained from photoengraving.
2. The etched plate used to reproduce an illustration; SYN. halftone engraving, photoengraving.
A printed reproduction of a photograph or other illustration, using evenly spaced spots of varying diameter to produce apparent shades of gray. The
darker the shade at a particular point in the image, the larger the corresponding spot in the halftone. In traditional publishing, halftones are created by photographing an image through a screen. In desktop publishing, each halftone spot is represented by an area containing a number of dots printed by a laser printer or digital imagesetter. In both cases, the frequency of the halftone dots is measured in lines per inch. Higher printer resolution enables effective use of higher frequencies of halftone dots, enhancing image quality. See also dithering, gray scale, imagesetter, spot function.

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halftone engraving · photoengraving
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ženski rodumetnost

Teinte peu accentuée. Peindre en demi-teintes.

couleur · teinte

Još sličnih reči

half tone

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja