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ETYM Old Eng. faute, Old Fren. fauté, fealté, feelé, feelteit, from Latin fidelitas, from fidelis faithful. Related to Feal, Fidelity.
1. Fidelity to one's lord; the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord; the special oath by which this obligation was assumed.
Fidelity; constancy; faithfulness, as of a friend to a friend, or of a wife to her husband.
Loyalty; duty, especially of vassal to feudal lord.
In feudalism, the loyalty and duties owed by a vassal to his lord. In the 9th century fealty obliged the vassal not to take part in any action that would endanger the lord or his property, but by the 11th century the specific duties of fealty were established and included financial obligations and military service. Following an oath of fealty, an act of allegiance and respect (homage) was made by the vassal; when a fief was granted by the lord, it was formalized in the process of investiture.

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ženski rod

1. Fidélité.
2. Garantie. Un document qui fait foi.
3. Confiance. Personne digne de foi.
4. Croyance.
5. Religion. La foi chrétienne.


ženski rod

1. Dépendance.
2. Fidélité.

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