coronet prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

coronet | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Dim. of Old Eng. corone crown; cf. Old Fren. coronete. Related to Crown, Crownet, Cronet.
1. A small crown; usually indicates a high rank but below that of sovereign.
2. Margin between the skin o
f the pastern and the horn of the hoof.
Small crown worn by a peer at coronations. A duke's coronet consists of a golden circlet, above which are eight strawberry leaves; a marquess's has four strawberry leaves with four points surmounted by pearls between them, an earl's eight strawberry leaves with eight tall points surmounted by pearls between them, a viscount's sixteen small pearls, and a baron's six large pearls.

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ženski rod

1. Ornement de tête en forme circulaire, qui se porte comme marque d'honneur.
2. Dignité de monarque. La couronne de France.
3. Objet en forme d'anneau.
4. Atmosphère dense et lumineuse qui entoure le soleil. Couronne solaire.

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