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1. One who carves; one who shapes or fashions by carving, or as by carving; esp. one who carves decorative forms, architectural adornments, etc.
2. One who carves or divides meat at table.
3. A large knife for carving.

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Celui qui fait avec le ciseau des statues, des bas-reliefs, des ornements, etc., dans quelque matériau que ce soit.

artiste · bustier · ciseleur · graveur · imagier · modeleur · ornemaniste · statuaire · tailleur de pierre · épanneleur + prikaži više


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(1939-1988) US short-story writer and poet. His writing deals mainly with blue-collar middle America, depicting failed, empty lives in a spare prose. His major works include Will You Please Be Quiet, Please 1976, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love 1981, Cathedral 1983, and In a Marine Light 1988, a collection of poetry.

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John 1576-1621 English Mayflower Pilgrim; 1st governor of Plymouth colony

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(1860-1943) US agricultural chemist. He devoted his life to improving the economy of the US South and the condition of blacks. He advocated the diversification of crops, promoted peanut production, and was a pioneer in the field of plastics.
At the Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, Carver demonstrated the need for crop rotation and the use of leguminous plants, especially the peanut. Following his advice, farmers were soon making more money from the peanut and its 325 by-products (including milk, cheese, face powder, print
er's ink, shampoo, and dyes) which were developed by Carver, than from tobacco and cotton.
Carver was honored as one of America's most influential and innovative agronomists.
Born a slave in Missouri, he was kidnapped and raised by his former owner, Moses Carver. He won a scholarship to Highland University, Kansas, but was then rejected on account of his race. Instead he graduated from Iowa Agricultural College, where he began teaching agriculture and bacterial botany as well as conducting experiments into plant pathology. In 1897 he transferred to the Tuskegee Institute, becoming director of agriculture and of a research station.
Carver made peanuts the principal crop in the farming belt running from Montgomery to the Florida border. He also discovered 118 products which could be made from the sweet potato and 75 products from the pecan nut. Carver's other work included developing a plastic material from soy beans which Henry Ford later used in part of his automobile, and extracting dyes and paints from the clays of Alabama.

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City in Minnesota (USA); zip code 55315.

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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