canonization prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

canonization | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM French canonisation.
(Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church) The act of admitting a deceased person into the canon of saints; SYN. canonisation.
(Alternate spelling: canonisation).
In the Catholic church, the admission of one of its members to the Calendar of Saints. The evidence of the candidate’s exceptional piety is contested
before the Congregation for the Causes of Saints by the Promotor Fidei, popularly known as the devil’s advocate. Papal ratification of a favorable verdict results in beatification, and full sainthood (conferred in St Peter’s basilica, the Vatican) follows after further proof.
Under a system laid down mainly in the 17th century, the process of investigation was seldom completed in under 50 years, although in the case of a martyr it took less time. Since 1969 the gathering of the proof of the candidate’s virtues has been left to the bishop of the birthplace, and, miracles being difficult to substantiate, stress is placed on extraordinary “favors” or “graces” that can be proved or attested by serious investigation.

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ženski rod

Cérémonie, déclaration solennelle par laquelle le pape met dans le catalogue des saints une personne morte.

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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