calcite prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

calcite | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Latin calx, calcis, lime.
Calcium carbonate; limestone; Iceland spar.
Colorless, white, or light-colored common rock-forming mineral, calcium carbonate, CaCO3. It is the main constituent of limestone and marble and forms many types of invertebrate shell.
Calcite ofte
n forms stalactites and stalagmites in caves and is also found deposited in veins through many rocks because of the ease with which it is dissolved and transported by groundwater; oolite is a rock consisting of spheroidal calcite grains. It rates 3 on the Mohs' scale of hardness. Large crystals up to 1 m/3 ft have been found in Oklahoma and Missouri, US. Iceland spar is a transparent form of calcite used in the optical industry; as limestone it is used in the building industry.
A common mineral consisting of crystallized calcium carbonate; a major constituent of limestone.

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ženski rodmineral

Carbonate de calcium cristallisé.

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