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bed | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM AS. bed, bedd; akin to OS. bed, Dutch bed, bedde, Icel. bedr, Dan. bed, Swed. bädd, Goth. badi, Old High Germ. betti, German bett, bette, bed, beet a plat of ground; all of uncertain origin.
In geology, a single sedimentary rock unit with a distinct set of physical characteristics or contained fossils, readily distinguishable from those
of beds above and below. Well-defined partings called bedding planes separate successive beds or strata.
The depth of a bed can vary from a fraction of a centimeter to several meters or yards, and can extend over any area. The term is also used to indicate the floor beneath a body of water (lake bed) and a layer formed by a fall of particles (ash bed).
1. (Geology) A stratum of rock (especially sedimentary rock).
2. A depression forming the ground under a body of water; SYN. bottom.
3. A foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track.
4. A piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep.
5. A plot of ground in which plants are growing.

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ženski rododevanje

1. Étendue d'une matière
2. Épaisseur. Deux couches de peinture.
3. Dépôt. Couches géologiques.
4. (Littéraire) Lit. Partager la couche de quelqu'un.
5. Catégorie. Les couches de la population.
6. Linge absorbant. Les couches du bébé.
7. (Au pluriel) Accouchement.

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muški rod

1. Habitation.
2. Tanière.

abri · aire · amas · asile · bande · bauge · bouge · cache · caverne · coucher · couvert · demeure · filon · forme · gisement · habitacle · habitation · halte · hôtel · inclinaison · logement · maison · niche · nid · quartier · refuge · repaire · retraite · souille · tanière · terrier · veine · étape + prikaži više


muški rod

1. (Littéraire) Couche.
2. (Familier) Pieu. Se mettre au lit.
3. Cours. Lit d'un fleuve.
4. Mariage. Enfant d'un premier lit.

BEd | englesko - francuski rečnik



bachelor of education

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bed | englesko - francuski rečnik



1. To furnish with a bed.
2. To put to bed.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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