WAI značenje | engleski leksikon

WAI značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / waɪ /

Acronym for Web Accessibility Initiative. A set of guidelines released by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in May 1999. The WAI is intended to promote Web accessibility for users with disabilities by setting Web design and compatibility guidelines that help assure Web access and usability for all users. See also accessibility.

Još sličnih reči

wa | wau | waw | way | we | WEA | wee | Wei | WEU | wey | wh | whau | Whee! | whew | Whew! | whey | whio | who | whoa | Whoa! | whoo | why | Why? | WI | WIA | wihy | WO | woa | woe | Woe! | woo | wow | Wow! | Wu

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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