unity značenje | engleski leksikon

unity značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / juːnəti /

unity je nebrojiva imenica


ETYM Old Eng. unite, French unité, Latin unitas, from unus one. Related to One, Unit.
1. The state of being one; oneness.
2. Concord; harmony; conjunction; agreement; uniformity.
3. Any definite quan
tity, or aggregate of quantities or magnitudes taken as one, or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation.
4. In dramatic composition, one of the principles by which a uniform tenor of story and propriety of representation are preserved.
5. Such a combination of parts as to constitute a whole, or a kind of symmetry of style and character.
6. The peculiar characteristics of an estate held by several in joint tenancy.

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Unity značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / juːnəti /

1. City in Oregon (USA); zip code 97884.
2. Village in Wisconsin (USA); zip code 54488.

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srpski · nemački · francuski

Još sličnih reči

Uintah | undo | undue | Uniat | Uniate | unit | UNITA | unite | untie | unto

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija