Triton značenje | engleski leksikon

Triton značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodmitologija
IPA: / traɪtən /

Množina: Tritons


In Greek mythology, a merman sea god, the son of Poseidon and the sea goddess Amphitrite. Traditionally, he is shown blowing on a conch shell.
A sea god; son of Poseidon.

triton značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / traɪtən /

Množina: tritons


ETYM Latin, from Greek.
Positively charged atomic particle consisting of a proton and two neutrons, equivalent to the nucleus of an atom of tritium.
Tropical marine gastropods having beautifully colored spiral shells.

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Triton značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / traɪtən /

Množina: Tritons


In astronomy, the largest of Neptune's moons. It has a diameter of 2,700 km/1,680 mi, and orbits Neptune every 5.88 days in a retrograde (east to west) direction.
It is slightly larger than the planet Pluto, which it is thought to resemble in composition and appearance. Probably Triton was formerly a separate body like Pl
uto but was captured by Neptune. Triton was discovered in 1846 by British astronomer William Lassell (1799–1880) only weeks after the discovery of Neptune. Triton’s surface, as revealed by the Voyager 2 space probe, has a temperature of 38K (-235şC/-391şF), making it the coldest known place in the solar system. It is covered with frozen nitrogen and methane, some of which evaporates to form a tenuous atmosphere with a pressure only 0.00001 that of the Earth at sea level. Triton has a pink south polar cap, probably colored by the effects of solar radiation on methane ice. Dark streaks on Triton are thought to be formed by geysers of liquid nitrogen.

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