trial by ordeal značenje | engleski leksikon

trial by ordeal značenje | engleski leksikon

trial by ordeal

IPA: / ˈtraɪəl baɪ ɔːrˈdiːl /

Množina: trial by ordeals


In the Middle Ages, a test of guilt or innocence; see ordeal, trial by.
In tribal societies and in Europe in medieval times, a method of testing the guilt of an accused person based on the belief in heaven's protection
of the innocent. Examples of such ordeals include walking barefoot over heated iron, dipping the hand into boiling water, and swallowing consecrated bread (causing the guilty to choke).
In Europe the practice originated with the Franks in the 8th century, and survived until the 13th century. In another ordeal, the accused would be bound and thrown into cold water; if he or she sank, it would prove innocence, but remaining afloat showed guilt.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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