satrap značenje | engleski leksikon

satrap značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / sætræp /

Množina: satraps


ETYM Latin satrapes, Greek satrapes, from OPers. khshatrapâvan ruler: cf. French satrape.
A governor of a province in anci
ent Persia.
Ancient Persian ruler of province; despot, especially in petty position.
Title of a provincial governor in ancient Persia. Under Darius I, the Persian Empire was divided between some 20 satraps, each owing allegiance only to the king.

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satrapy | Sterope | stir up | stirp | stirrup | store up | strap | Streep | strep | strip | stripe | stripy | strop | stroppy

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja
ženski rod, gramatika
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