moquette značenje | engleski leksikon

moquette značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / məket /

Množina: moquettes


ETYM French.
A thick velvety synthetic fabric used for carpets and soft upholstery.
Thick piled fabric used in upholstery and carpeting.
Thick-piled upholstery fabric or c
Textile woven in the same manner as velvet (with cut or uncut pile) from coarse wool and linen yarns, usually for upholstery or carpeting. By introducing rods during weaving, the thread is raised in loops.
Moquette was made from the Middle Ages onward in many parts of Europe, notably the Low Countries. The term is now used to include Brussels and Wilton carpets.

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija
imenica, gramatika
muški rod, hemija