monitor značenje | engleski leksikon

monitor značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / mɑːnətər /

Množina: monitors


ETYM Latin, from monere. Related to Monition, Mentor.
Provides a quantitative measurement, not qualitative. It measures continuously a condition
that must be kept within prescribed limits. It does not differentiate between compounds.
1. A piece of electronic equipment that keeps track of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble.
2. Equipment that is used to check the quality or content of electronic transmissions.

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IPA: / mɑːnətər /

Množina: monitors


Any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles; SYN. monitor lizard, varan.
Any of various lizards of the family Varanidae, found in Africa, S Asia, and Australasia
. Monitors are generally large and carnivorous, with well-developed legs and claws and a long powerful tail that can be swung in defense.
Monitors include the Komodo dragon, the largest of all lizards, and also the slimmer Salvador’s monitor Varanus salvadorii, which may reach 2.5 m/8 ft. Several other monitors, such as the lace monitor V. varius, the perentie V. giganteus of Australia, and the Nile monitor V. niloticus of Africa, are up to 2 m/6 ft long.

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Monitor značenje | engleski leksikon


imenicaarhaično, zastarelonautika
IPA: / mɑːnətər /

Množina: Monitors


British class of armored warship, used during World War I for operations in shallow waters. They were slow and were equipped with a limited number of very large guns but had a low freeboard (the deck was designed to be close to the water) and so provided a very small target and had greater stability when firing guns.
Armed with two 12-inch guns, they were successfully used to bombard German defenses on the Belgian coast and more were built, some carrying 18-inch guns. The Mersey was also sent to East Africa 1915 to bombard the German cruiser Konigsberg in the Rufiji delta.

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IPA: / mɑːnətər /

Množina: monitors


The device on which images generated by the computer’s video adapter are displayed. The term monitor usually refers to a video display and its housing. The monitor is attached to the video adapter by a cable. See also CRT.
Alternative term for a display screen.
A device that takes signals from a computer and displays them on a CRT screen.

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monitor značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / mɑːnətər /

To keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance; SYN. supervise, ride herd on.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija