look up značenje | engleski leksikon

look up značenje | engleski leksikon

look up

IPA: / ˈlʊk ʌp /

1. To cheer up
2. To improve in prospects or conditions
3. To search for or find out by looking; as, to look up a word in the dictionary.
4. To search for in or as if in a reference work
5. To seek out especially for a brief visit
6. When a situation is looking up or starting to look up, it is improving.

consult · refer
Prevedi look up na:

nemački · francuski

look ... up značenje | engleski leksikon

look ... up

IPA: / ˈlʊk... ʌp /

When you get information from a reference book, such as a word from a dictionary or a telephone number from a telephone book, you look the word or number up.
When you locate and visit people you have not seen for a long time, you look them up.

Prevedi look up na:

nemački · francuski

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