final solution značenje | engleski leksikon

final solution značenje | engleski leksikon

final solution

IPA: / ˈfaɪnl̩ səˈluːʃn̩ /

Množina: final solutions


(to the Jewish question; German Endlosung der Judenfrage) euphemism used by the Nazis to describe the extermination of Jews (and other racial groups and opponents of the regime) before and during World War II in the Holocaust.
The term came from a statement May 1941 by SS commander Heinrich Himmler to
Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp, that Hitler had given orders “for the final solution of the Jewish question”. Extermination squads (Einsatzgruppen) were formed and extermination camps were established in Poland to which Jews were shipped from all parts of German-occupied Europe to be killed by gas or shooting. Accounting was slipshod, and no accurate figure can ever be reached, but the best estimates suggest that about 5.75 million Jews, and a further million gypsies, communists, Soviet prisoners, incurable invalids, homosexuals, and other Untermenschen (“subhumans”) were murdered.

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