evaporite značenje | engleski leksikon

evaporite značenje | engleski leksikon



Množina: evaporites


The sediment that is left after the evaporation of seawater.
Sedimentary deposit precipitated on evaporation of salt water.
With a progressive evaporation of seawater, the most common salts are deposited in a definite sequence: calcite (calcium carbonate), gypsum (hydrous calcium sulfate), halite (sodium chloride), and finally salts of p
otassium and magnesium.
Calcite precipitates when seawater is reduced to half its original volume, gypsum precipitates when the seawater body is reduced to one-fifth, and halite when the volume is reduced to one-tenth.
Thus the natural occurrence of chemically precipitated calcium carbonate is common, of gypsum fairly common, and of halite less common.
Because of the concentrations of different dissolved salts in seawater, halite accounts for about 95% of the chlorides precipitated if evaporation is complete. More unusual evaporite minerals include borates (for example borax, hydrous sodium borate) and sulfates (for example glauberite, a combined sulfate of sodium and calcium).

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