doom značenje | engleski leksikon

doom značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / duːm /

Množina: dooms


ETYM As. dôm; akin to OS. dôm, Old High Germ. tuom, Dan. and Swed. dom, Icel. dômr, Goth. dôms, Greek themis law; from the root of Eng. do, v. t. Related to Do, Deem, -dom.
An unpleasant or disastrous destiny; SYN. doomsday, day of reckoning.

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doom značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / duːm /

1. To judge; to estimate or determine as a judge.
2. To pronounce sentence or judgment on; to condemn; to consign by a decree or sentence.
3. To destine; to fix irrevocably the destiny or fate of.

condemn · designate · destine · fate · sentence
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srpski · nemački · francuski

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