(1947-) English choreographer and dancer. She is a leading exponent of avant-garde dance. Her minimalist pieces display a quiet assurance and fluidity and are often performed in unorthodox settings, such as on beaches and in art galleries. They include Flying Lines 1985 and Touch the Earth 1986.
Množina: butchers
ETYM Old Eng. bochere, bochier, Old Fren. bochier, French boucher, orig., slaughterer of buck goats, from Old Fren. boc, French bouc, a buck goat; of German or Celtic origin. Related to Buck the animal.
1. A brutal indiscriminate murderer.
2. A person who slaughters or dresses meat for market; SYN. slaughterer.
3. A retailer of meat; SYN. meatman.
To kill; used of animals, but also used for people to indicate brutality; SYN. slaughter.