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Burgess značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / bɝːdʒəs /

Thornton Waldo 1874-1965 American writer

Burgess značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / bɝːdʒəs /

(Frank) Gelett 1866-1951 American humorist and illustrator.

Burgess značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / bɝːdʒəs /

(Francis de Moncy) (1910-1963) British spy, a diplomat recruited by the USSR as an agent. He was linked with Kim Philby, Donald Maclean (1913–1983), and Anthony Blunt.

Burgess značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / bɝːdʒəs /

Pen name of Anthony John Burgess Wilson English novelist, critic, and composer. A prolific and versatile writer, Burgess wrote some 60 books as well as screenplays, television scripts, and reviews. His prolific work includes A Clockwork Orange 1962, set in a future London terrorized by teenage gangs, and the panoramic Earthly Powers 1980.
Born in Manchester, Burgess worked as a le
cturer and schoolmaster in Britain and Malaya before he began to write. His works often show an experimental approach to language— A Clockwork Orange 1962 is written in “nadsat”, the imaginary argot of the teenage narrator, and his fictional biography of Shakespeare, Nothing Like the Sun 1964, is written in a mock Elizabethan dialect. His vision has been described as bleak and pessimistic, but his work is also comic and satiric, as in his novels featuring the poet Enderby.
Burgess also wrote many works of literary criticism, particularly on James Joyce, as well as several on language and on music and composing. His memoirs, Little Wilson and Big God 1987 and You’ve Had Your Time 1990, are as exciting as his fiction and in many respects an extension of it.

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burgess značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / bɝːdʒəs /

Množina: burgesses


ETYM Old Eng. burgeis, Old Fren. burgeis, from burcfortified town, town, French bourg village, from Late Lat. burgus fort, city; from the German; cf. Mid. High Germ. burc, German burg. Related to Borough, Bourgeois.
A citizen of an English borough; SYN. burgher.

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Burgess značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / bɝːdʒəs /

Town in Missouri (USA).

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