Battle of Saratoga značenje | engleski leksikon

Battle of Sarat ... značenje | engleski leksikon

Battle of Saratoga

IPA: / ˈbætl̩ əv ˌserəˈtoɡə /

Množina: Battle of Saratogas


During the American Revolution, British defeat by the Americans Sept 1777 near Saratoga Springs, about 240 km/150 mi north of New York. The defeat was a humiliation for the British and a substantial victory for the American general Horatio Gates.
General John Burgoyne was marching a British column of about 4,000 troops from Canada to join General Sir William Howe who was based lower down t
he Hudson River. They met a 3,000-strong American force under Benedict Arnold near Saratoga 19 Sept. After two hours of hard fighting, the result was inconclusive, though both sides suffered severe casualties and eventually withdrew. Burgoyne launched another attack 7 Oct, but the Americans were prepared for it and met him with a spoiling attack, forcing the British to retreat 19 km/12 mi from Saratoga and entrench. On 17 Oct Burgoyne surrendered to the American commander General Horatio Gates, who by now had some 5,000 troops.
Under the terms of the surrender, known as the Convention of Saratoga, the British were to be allowed to march to Boston and there embark for England, but Congress refused to ratify it and Burgoyne and his force became prisoners of war until peace was signed.

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