angiosperm značenje | engleski leksikon

angiosperm značenje | engleski leksikon



Množina: angiosperms


ETYM Angio- + Greek sperma seed.
Plants having seeds in a closed ovary; SYN. flowering plant.
Flowering plant with seeds in closed seed-vessel; pl. natural division containing plants of such kind, the highest forms of plant life. Flowering plant in which the seeds are enclosed within an ovary,
which ripens to a fruit. Angiosperms are divided into monocotyledons (single seed leaf in the embryo) and dicotyledons (two seed leaves in the embryo). They include the majority of flowers, herbs, grasses, and trees except conifers.
There are over 250,000 different species of angiosperm, found in a wide range of habitats. Like gymnosperms, they are seed plants, but differ in that ovules and seeds are protected within the carpel. Fertilization occurs by male gametes passing into the ovary from a pollen tube. After fertilization the ovule develops into the seed while the ovary wall develops into the fruit.

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