Waite značenje | engleski leksikon

Waite značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / weɪt /

(Terence Hardy) (1939-) British religious adviser to the archbishop of Canterbury (then Dr Robert Runcie) 1980–87. As the archbishop's special envoy, Waite disappeared 20 Jan 1987 while engaged in secret negotiations to free European hostages in Beirut, Lebanon. He was taken hostage by an Islamic group and released 18 Nov 1991.
His kidnapping followed six conversations he held with the US agent Col Oliver North, who appeared to be hoping to ransom US hostages through Waite.

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Waite značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / weɪt /

(1816-1888) US lawyer and chief justice of the US from 1874, appointed by President Grant. He presided over constitutional challenges to Reconstruction 1865–77, but is best remembered for his decisions upholding the right of states to regulate public utilities.
Born in Lyme, Connecticut, US, and educated at Yale University, Waite settled in Ohio, where he was admitted to the bar 1839. After serving in the state legislature 1849–50, he returned to private practice. A staunch Republican, he was named US counsel in the 1871 Alabama claims case.

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Waite značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / weɪt /

(1866-1928) Australian ornithologist and zoologist. He was a member of several expeditions into the subantarctic islands, New Guinea, and central Australia which contributed significantly to scientific knowledge of vertebrates. His published work includes more than 200 scientific papers, Popular Account of Australian Snakes 1898 and The Fishes of South Australia 1923.

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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