Vallejo značenje | engleski leksikon

Vallejo značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / valeɪjoʊ /

(1808-1890) American military leader in colonial California. During the 1830s, he opposed the rule of autocratic governors sent from Mexico City and in 1838 became the military commander of the province. He was briefly imprisoned during the Bear Flag revolt 1849 before becoming a citizen of the state of California, serving as a member of the state senate.
Born in Monterey, California, Vallejo chose a military career early in life. Stationed in Alta California he helped put down an Indian uprising at San Jose1 1829.

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Vallejo značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / valeɪjoʊ /

City in California (USA).
Industrial city (fruit and flour processing and petroleum refining) in NW California, US, on San Pablo Bay, NE of Berkeley; It was California's capital 1852–53.

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