Red Book značenje | engleski leksikon

Red Book značenje | engleski leksikon

Red Book

IPA: / ˈred ˈbʊk /

Množina: Red Books


1. The standards documents of the U.S. National Security Agency entitled “Trusted Network Interpretation of the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (NCSC-TG-005)” and “Trusted Network Interpretation (NCS-TG-011).” These documents define a system of ratings from A1 (most secure) to D (nonsecure), indicating the ability of a computer network to protect sensitive information. Compare Orange Book (definition 1).
2. A specifications book written by the Sony Corporation and Philips Corporation and endorsed by ISO, covering audio compact discs. Compare Green Book, Orange Book (definition 2). 3. Telecommunications standards published by the CCITT.

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