Quayle značenje | engleski leksikon

Quayle značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / kweɪl /

(James) (forth) (1947-) US Republican politician, vice president 1989–93. A congressman for Indiana 1977–81, he became a senator 1981.
Born into a rich and powerful Indianapolis newspaper-owning family, Quayle was admitted to the Indiana bar 1974, and was
elected to the House of Representatives 1976 and to the Senate 1980. When George Bush ran for president 1988, he selected Quayle as his running mate, admiring his conservative views and believing that Quayle could deliver the youth vote. This choice encountered heavy criticism because of Quayle's limited political experience. As Bush's vice president, Dan Quayle attracted criticism for, among other things, his enlistment in the 1960s in the Indiana National Guard, which meant that he was not sent overseas during the Vietnam War.

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