Popova značenje | engleski leksikon

Popova značenje | engleski leksikon


ženski rodlično ime

(1889-1924) Russian artist and designer. Influenced by Futurism and Constructivism, in 1916 she began designing textiles and rugs, and in 1917 collaborated with Vladimir Tatlin on the decoration of the Café Pittoresque in Moscow. Like Varvara Stepanova, in the 1920s she designed textiles for Moscow’s First State Textile Printing Factory. In 1922 she designed a stark, functional set and costumes for Vfezolod Meierkhold’s production of The Magnanimous Cuckold.
In 1912 she studied painting in Paris, returning to France and Italy 1914. Like Rodchenko and Stepanova, she taught art and design after the 1917 revolution; by 1921 she had abandoned easel painting in favor of productivist art.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija