Malouf značenje | engleski leksikon

Malouf značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / mælof /

(1934-) Australian poet, novelist, and short-story writer. He is of Lebanese and English extraction. His poetry collections include Neighbors in a Thicket 1974, which won several awards, Wild Lemons 1980, and First Things Last 1980. Malouf’s first novel Johnno 1975 deals with his boyhood in Brisbane. It was followed by An Imaginary Life 1978 and other novels, including Fly Away Peter 1982, The Great World 1990, and Remembering Babylon 1993.
He has also written opera librettos for Voss 1986, from the novel of Patrick White, and La Mer de Glace 1991.

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