La Farge značenje | engleski leksikon

La Farge značenje | engleski leksikon

La Farge

muški rodlično ime
IPA: / ˈlɑː ˈfɑːrdʒ /

(1835-1910) US painter and ecclesiastical designer. He is credited with the revival of stained glass in America and also created woodcuts, watercolors, and murals. Lafarge visited Europe 1856 and the Far East 1886. In the 1870s he turned from landscape painting (inspired by the French painter Corot) to religious and still-life painting. Decorating the newly built Trinity Church in Boston, Massachusetts, he worked alongside the sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens.

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La Farge značenje | engleski leksikon

La Farge

IPA: / ˈlɑː ˈfɑːrdʒ /

Village in Wisconsin (USA).

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