Dreyer značenje | engleski leksikon

Dreyer značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / dreɪər /

Danish astronomer, in Ireland from 1874. He compiled three catalogs which together described more than 13,000 nebulae and star clusters; these achieved international recognition as standard reference material. He also wrote a biography of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe 1890.
Dreyer was born and educated
in Copenhagen. In 1874 he was appointed assistant at Lord Rosse's Observatory at Birr Castle in Parsonstown, Ireland. Four years later he took up a similar post at Dunsink Observatory at the University of Dublin, and he was director of the Armagh Observatory 1882–1916.
In 1877 and 1886, Dreyer presented data on new nebulae and corrections to the original catalog on nebulae and star clusters compiled by English astronomer John Herschel. The Royal Astronomical Society then invited him to compile a comprehensive new catalog, which Dreyer published 1888 with supplementary indexes 1895 and 1908. His other writings included a history of astronomy.

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Dreyer značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / dreɪər /

Danish film director. His wide range of films include the austere silent classic La Passion de Jeanne d
Arc/The Passion of Joan of Arc 1928 and the Expressionist horror film Vampyr 1932, after the failure of which Dreyer made no full-length films until Vredens Dag/Day of Wrath 1943. His two late masterpieces are Ordet/The Word 1955 and Gertrud 1964.

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